Do you need a home-delivered meal? We can help you. NCJW | MI in partnership with Jewish Family Service of Metro Detroit, provides nutritious kosher meal delivered to your home up to five days a week. Meals are packaged and delivered from the kitchen of Epic Kosher Catering, housed at the J in West Bloomfield. The kitchen is under the supervision of the Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit.
If you or someone you know is 60 or older and either…
- Temporarily unable to prepare meals following a hospital stay
- Disabled and unable to provide meals for themselves
- Homebound, does not drive and without someone in their home to help with meals
- In need of assistance maintaining independence in their home
…then home-delivered meals is the answer.
To Obtain Meals
If you are interested or need more information, please call 248-592-2313
Volunteers Needed
We are currently looking for men and women to serve as volunteers in the Meals on Wheels program. If you are interested in helping out by driving a delivery route, being a substitute driver, or assisting in packing the meals for delivery, please call 248-967-0967.
Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00am – 8:00am packing meals. 8:30am – 10:30am delivering meals.
This program is sponsored by National Council of Jewish Women, Michigan, in partnership with Jewish Family Service of Metro Detroit. Funding is provided by AgeWays Nonprofit Senior Services through the Office of Services to the Aging, and funding through the federal Older Americans Act in compliance with Title V of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, with support from Marcia Applebaum Jewish Older Adult Enrichment Fund, DeRoy Testamentary Foundation, Marjorie & Maxwell Jospey Foundation, and individual donations.