ADVOCACY AND ELECTIONS: Take action through programming, letter writing and grassroots advocacy at local, state and national levels.ARCHIVES: Gather and organize publicity materials and other information about NCJW MI.BACK 2 SCHOOL STORE: Help plan and volunteer at a one-day event that provides clothing and school supplies to Detroit students.BACKPACK PROJECT: An annual project, fill backpacks with school supplies for homeless children in Oakland County.BOOKSTOCK: Help sort prior to the book sale or help with sales during Bookstock. NCJW MI earns money for your time.COUNCIL RESALE: Assist customers, help with displays, and/or help sort, price, and hang clothes. Time commitments can vary.FUNDRAISING: Help plan events to support the community service projects of NCJW MI.JEWISH YOUTH AWARDS: Review Jewish high school seniors' applications for their academic achievements and service to the community.KOSHER MEALS ON WHEELS: Pack and/or deliver meals to homebound older adults in Oakland County.LITERACY OUTREACH: Tutor and/or read to elementary-age students.PROGRAMMING: Help plan educational, social, and issue-based programs for the community.WRAPPED IN LOVE BY NCJW MI: Create blankets for children in need, or receiving medical treatment in the hospital. No sewing required.
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To Learn More
NCJW | MI Office 26400 Lahser Rd Suite #306 Southfield, MI 48033 248-355-3300 View on Maps BOARD MEMBER LOGIN
council re|sale 3297 Twelve Mile Rd Berkley, MI 48072 248-548-6664
Meals on Wheels 248-967-0967 More Information